主 题:信息安全文献中保护动机理论的检验:元分析结构方程建模方法
报告人:牟健教授 韩国国立釜山大学
时 间:10月18日下午14:00
地 点:腾讯会议(321613807)
Information security is one of the important domains of information systems research today, with Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) as one of its most influential theoretical lenses. However, empirical findings based on PMT are often inconsistent and inconclusive. To reconcile these inconsistent findings, we conducted a meta-analysis to investigate the relationships among PMT constructs, while also considering additional contextual constructs that are not specified in PMT. Ninety two published studies were meta-analyzed and estimated using structural equation modeling. Our results confirmed three of the five predictors of security motivation intention, as postulated by PMT, mixed support for perceived vulnerability, and no support for response cost. We found coping appraisal variables of response efficacy and self-efficacy to have the largest average effects on security behavior. Our results contribute to the information security literature by providing guidance for future PMT-related research, and by demonstrating how meta-analysis and structural equation modeling can be combined to test theories in information systems research.

牟健 现为韩国国立釜山大学商学院副院长,博士生导师。毕业于南非金山大学,获得信息系统博士学位。曾在韩国成均馆大学,加拿大渥太华大学从事博士后科研工作。于2017年为伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的访问学者。其主要研究方法为元分析 (meta-analysis), 主要包含的研究领域为互联网用户行为研究,电子商务研究,社交媒体,电子医疗健康研究,人机交互行为研究,以及信息系统外包相关的研究。牟健曾就职于跨境电商企业敦煌网,任资深用户研究工程师。
牟健教授目前为国际SSCI期刊Internet Research, Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Behaviour and Information Technology副主编,SSCI期刊Information Technology and People高级编辑,以及SSCI 期刊Electronic Markets, Journal of Global Information Technology Management,Journal of Organizational and End User Computing和Information Technology for Development的客座编辑,并参与主持多个国际信息系统和电子商务领域的学术会议。其共发表SSCI/SCIE等国际期刊论文50余篇,主要包括:Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information and Management, Information Processing and Management, Computers in Human Behavior, International Journal of Information Management, Internet Research, Information Technology and People, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Electronic Commerce Research以及ICIS,ECIS,PACIS,AMCIS,和 CSWIM等会议论文。